JOY Camp

JOY stands for "Joining Older and Younger" and it is a camp for young kids to attend with an adult. It can be their grandparent, or grandparents, an uncle, a great aunt, a cherished family friend, or even their parent. The important thing is that they get to come to camp for three days and have fun. JOY Camp is in session from June 28 to June 30.

Registration and Pricing

A typical day's schedule would be:

7:00AM - Coffee and fruit in Claar kitchen
8:00AM - JOY Time
8:30AM - Breakfast in Dining Hall
9:30AM - Worship at Claar
10:00AM - Nature Scavenger Hunt
11:00AM - JOY Time
12:00PM - Lunch in Dining Hall
2:00PM - Pool opens
3:30PM - Pool closes
3:45PM - Snack in Claar/Craft Time
5:15PM - JOY Time
6:00PM - Dinner at Dining Hall
8:00PM - Ice Cream and Bedtime Story
8:15PM - Bedtime for Children
10:00PM - All Camp Quiet Time

Linked by Love

For Questions contact:
Leanne Stump
Jim Thomas

JOY Camp Gallery

Group photo Camper and camp staff member Group photo Campers taking a walk Making tie-dye shirts Young campers playing on deck Making smores Group photo
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